Motorcycles are a key part of a sustainable future for transport. They provide social, economic and environmental benefits in a world dominated by cars, which are often driven with no passengers.
Many workers have been displaced from public transport over the last year and motorcycles offer a Covid-safe way to fill the gap between active travel and reduced public transport, without relying on the car.
21st June is national Ride to Work Day and details can be found on the website here. The initiative demonstrates that motorcycles are part of the solution to current transport problems. It is also an important mode of transport as part of the UK's 'transport recovery' from Covid-19. This is something which needs broader recognition by both local and national government. Using motorcycles, scooters and mopeds for work, education and for domestic activities, helps reduces traffic congestion and pollution. They are also easier to park and in the majority of places this is free.
The NMC and its members are delighted to support Ride to Work Day, an initiative promoted by NMC member the Motorcycle Action Group. Riders are urged to support the ride to work message by enjoying a two wheeled commute on the 21st June. The website gives access to resources which can be used and shared to support the Day.
Spread the message - particularly among work colleagues that motorcycling opens a world of opportunity and enjoyment, not just for work, but also for recreation and leisure.
Notes to editors
1. For further information on Ride to Work Day please contact central-office@mag-uk.org
2. National Motorcyclists Council members are: The Auto Cycle Union, the British Motorcyclists Federation, IAM RoadSmart, the Motorcycle Action Group and the Trail Riders Fellowship.