The Department For Transport has set out the Government's vision for an Integrated National Transport Strategy, built on a new ‘people-first’ approach to transport. In a speech delivered to mayors, council leaders and transport bodies in Leeds on 28 November 2024, the previous Secretary of State for Transport set out how the background to the new government strategy, emphasising that the strategy will focus on how government can support local areas to make all forms of transport work more effectively together, and will be underpinned with a clear vision for how transport across England can evolve over the next 10 years.
The DfT envision a transport policy that ‘seamlessly joins all modes of transport together and puts people at the heart of our transport system’. The DfT has said that they want everyone to be able to contribute to the vision and have launched a call for ideas on how the strategy can best deliver greater opportunity, healthier communities and better lives. Motorcyclists are specifically asked to contribute.
In addition, a number of regional roadshows will be hosted around the country over the coming months to hear more from local leaders, transport operators and passenger bodies, as well as taking feedback from the public, to hear how to best deliver an integrated transport solution. To oversee the new vision, the Department For Transport will be recruiting a new Integrated Transport Commissioner to help deliver the necessary change.
The BMF’s Anna Zee, Chair of the National Motorcyclists Council (NMC) said: " The launch of the Government's new Integrated National Transport Strategy presents a real opportunity to ensure that motorcycling plays an integral part in a future sustainable government transport strategy, with motorcycling fully recognised as an important, accessible, cost-effective travelling solution, which represents a 'more active' way to travel. For many people, reliance on personal transport remains essential and motorcycling offers a hugely versatile, zero congesting and lower polluting option.
“The National Motorcyclists Council (NMC) and its member organisations looks forward to working with the Government, and the newly appointed Secretary of State for Transport Heidi Alexander, to develop a fully integrated transport strategy fit for the 21st century; one that not only delivers on the needs around future mobility but which also provides personal choice in how we travel, and for that travel to be affordable, efficient and sustainable. Motorcycling has a lot to offer as part of Government's vision.
“We would also like to congratulate Secretary of State Alexander on her appointment and to wish her every success in her new role.”
Notes to Editors:
2. For further comment from the NMC please contact Craig Carey-Clinch, on 07979 757484 | craig@uknmc.org
(Photo: Shutterstock - Marius Comanescu)