The NMC has today launched a major new contribution to the discussion about motorcycling’s developing role in society and transport. The new policy paper ‘Motorcycling and the Future of Transport Policy’ sets out in a concise format the policies that will work to the nation’s benefit if adopted by the Government. Policy areas addressed include mobility, the environment, safety and accessibility. The vital contribution that motorcycling makes to the UK’s culture, leisure, economy, heritage and sport is also recognised.
This new paper builds upon the NMC’s core policies, as developed by its membership and first presented when the NMC was launched. Since then, the NMC has worked with a range of stakeholders to refine its position in key policy areas and has discussed these with the Government on an ongoing basis.
Motorcycling and the Future of Transport policy also brings up to date the position of NMC members on issues such as decarbonisation, economic factors, road safety, technical regulation, green roads access and the sport.
Key facts and recommendations are presented in a summary format which can be used in a standalone way. A compendium of useful resource links is also included, which links to a wide range of policy contributions by different organisations, plus research, statistics and links to government resources.
NMC Executive Director Craig Carey-Clinch said: “Motorcycling is a dynamic part of society and transport. It is a transport alternative and source of leisure and lifestyle which is enjoyed by well over a million people today. It makes a positive and growing contribution to society’s vitality, the environment and the economy. Motorcycles already contribute to a low carbon future and their use also reduces traffic congestion – plus improves transport mobility and accessibility.
“As the UK emerges from the Pandemic, the need to ‘build back better’ means that innovative and forward-thinking approaches need to be taken to transport and mobility – areas where motorcycling can play a key role.
“The NMC is today making a positive contribution to the debate around motorcycling’s role in the future of transport. ‘Motorcycling and the Future of Transport Policy’ will shortly be presented to both Ministers and Parliament and we look forward to working with the Government as these policy areas are developed.”
Notes to Editors
1. Motorcycling and the Future of Transport Policy can be found here
2. For Further information please contact Craig Carey-Clinch 07979 757484 | craig@uknmc.org
3. National Motorcyclists Council members are: The Auto Cycle Union, the British Motorcyclists Federation, IAM RoadSmart, Plantec Assist, the National Motorcycle Dealers Association and the Trail Riders Fellowship