As part of their ongoing partnership on a range of shared motorcycling issues, the National Motorcyclists Council (NMC) and the Motor Cycle Industry Association (MCIA) have today moved to join each other’s organisations.
The shared honorary memberships mark the coming together of the UK’s main industry and rider umbrella bodies on key motorcycling issues. It underlines both organisations’ commitment to further develop partnership and campaigning on policy areas where the interests of industry and riders either align, or have a common purpose. Recent examples of partnership working have included a joint reception in Parliament to launch a common position on decarbonisation (Motorcycling and the Future of Transport: The Route to Tomorrow’s Journeys) and the NMC’s work to support the development of the MCIA’s recently published position on motorcycle training and testing (A Licence to Net Zero). Further joint initiatives on these and other areas are planned as we move forward into a General Election year.
NMC Executive Director Craig Carey-Clinch said: “Sharing memberships marks a new phase to adding weight behind joint working on the key issues that face motorcycling in this important time of political change. Motorcycling’s future faces many challenges and uncertainties in policy terms and joint activities this year have demonstrated where industry and riders can work effectively together on issues that affect us all. Of course, there will remain areas where rider and industry interests will continue to differ and for very good reasons, but on key issues where views on public policy align, a ‘whole sector’ partnership strengthens the motorcycling lobby and enhances its impact on the Government. The NMC looks forward to continuing to work with the MCIA as we move forward into what is set to be a hugely important year for motorcycling.”
MCIA CEO Tony Campbell said: “As our industry and riders face many challenges and opportunities both now, and in the future, it will be evermore important to work collaboratively with the rider organisations NMC collectively represents. Now is the time to stand together protecting what we love, whilst also recognising the future will look different with a new generation of riders and users, as the sector transitions into new technologies. Whilst change can look daunting, we must accept the new technical challenges on fuels and drive trains will enable industry to attract new users and develop new markets, ensuring motorcycling has a bright future. We look forward to continuing to work with NMC and the collective rider representative groups under their membership”.
Notes to Editors.
1. For further comment from the NMC please contact Craig Carey-Clinch, on 07979 757484 / craig@uknmc.org
2. For further comment from the MCIA or to interview MCIA’s CEO, Tony Campbell, please contact Sean Waters at s.waters@mcia.co.uk
3. More information about the National Motorcyclists Council and its members can be found on www.uknmc.org
4. Information about the Motor Cycle Industry Association and its activities can be found on www.mcia.co.uk
(Photo - Pexels; Daniel Frank)