The National Motorcyclists Council took part in the high-level discussions on motorcycling during the 2024 FIM Commissions Conference.
The Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM) is the governing body for motorcycle sport and the global advocate for motorcycling. The FIM strives to apply the highest standards for health, safety and the environment in its sporting and non-sporting activities.
The 2024 FIM Commissions Conference, that ran from 16-18 February in Lyon (France), brought together 380 members of the FIM Family – including Board of Directors Members, Commissions Directors, members and experts – for three days of high-level discussions.
With the 2024 FIM Commissions Conference preceded by the first meeting this year of the FIM Board of Directors and several Committee meetings, the agenda got under way with a Superlicence Seminars Plenary Session opened by FIM President Mr Jorge Viegas on Friday 16 February. Several topics were addressed such as the sound reduction campaign, the phase two of the helmets’ homologation programme as well as airbags and concussion detection and management. Updates on the competitions featuring motorcycles with electric and internal combustion engines as well as on the E bike Technical Steward seminar were shared. The first ever FIM Medical Summit was also held on day two of the Conference.
Craig Carey-Clinch, Executive Director at the National Motorcyclists Council, is a member of FIM's Commission for Mobility (CPM), where he represents the Auto Cycle Union (ACU) and also NMC as part of the joint partnership between the Federation of European Motorcyclists Associations (FEMA), FIM Europe and the NMC. This Commission defends the rights of motorcyclists as citizens and consumers. The Commission deals with the safety of riders on the road and with the quality and safety of products used in motorcycling. It advises FIM Management - particularly in relation to international and EU law which increasingly affects motorcycling. It also supports the Continental Unions and National Federations of the FIM, and riders in general, in dealing with national governments and agencies. It has a major role in the promotion of rider training. The ACU is also strongly represented on other FIM commissions.
Carey-Clinch said: “This was an intensive two days of dynamic discussions about a range of issues which affect riders internationally and are often very similar country to country. It was an opportunity to exchange best practices, experiences and public affairs strategies from both global regional groupings and individual countries. With 2024 being an election year in so many places around the world, this was clearly an important session, as motorcycle sports organisations and riders groups continue to develop plans for the future.”
Notes to Editors
1. For further comment from the NMC please contact Craig Carey-Clinch, on 07979 757484 / craig@uknmc.org
2. With thanks to the FIM for text in this release. The full FIM news story can be found here: https://www.fim-moto.com/en/news/news-detail/article/lyon-hosts-successful-2024-fim-commissions-conference
3. More information about the National Motorcyclists Council and its members can be found on www.uknmc.org
Photo © FIM/Victor Arroyo